Have you ever needed forgiveness? Perhaps from a friend or relative. But have you ever needed forgiveness from God? Now that is scary. Will God forgive us?

In The Book, God tells us He is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. He longs for each of us to come to Him so that He can forgive us. Don’t get me wrong – God is holy and He doesn’t leave sin unpunished, but He is calling everyone to turn to Him and receive His forgiveness.

We all need God’s forgiveness. Not one human being is good enough to please God. We can clearly see that no matter how hard we try on our own, we can’t stop making mistakes and doing wrong things. Whenever we try to do good things, we are trying to get close to God. But that will never work. We need to come to God and admit to Him that we aren’t good enough. When we admit our mistakes, we can receive His forgiveness and have a close relationship with Him.

When God forgives, He forgives totally. He doesn’t hold grudges; He washes our mistakes away and never looks at them again. God paid a high price for our forgiveness. Jesus had to die to wash away our sins. God loved the world so much that He was willing to pay this high price to give us the gift of forgiveness. Will you receive His forgiveness?

Read more in The Book.


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