Jesus loves little children
Jesus loves little children

Did you know that Jesus loves children?
Many adults feel children are always in the way or needing attention. They treat children like a nuisance and a burden. They don’t seem to like children much. Jesus’ disciples tried to keep the children away from Jesus because they thought the children would be wasting His time. But when Jesus found out, He actually got angry with His disciples! He welcomed the children to Him and prayed for them.
Jesus said that if we want to be a part of His kingdom, then we need to become like little children. Children are ready to receive God’s kingdom. They aren’t so focused on material possessions like houses, cars and money. They don’t place the value of life in what they have. For them the only valuable thing is joy in playing games. We need to learn to be like to children: to place value not in what we have on earth but in the joy of God’s kingdom.
Children are humble and free to receive God’s kingdom. They don’t hold onto their prejudices and their ideas of how the world should work, but they are ready to learn. They don’t hold onto grudges and unforgiveness. They forgive freely and trust easily.
To receive God’s Life, we need to let go of our own life.
Will you become like a child and receive God’s Life?
Read more in The Book.