What is so good about Friday?

What is so good about Friday?

I remember very well when I was a little girl this special weekend which started with Thursday evening followed by Good Friday. It was like a Sunday. We would go to Church on this Friday and we would think of the terrible price Jesus paid for our sins. We seven kids would follow my mother into the Church and we would sit close to one another in our special place in Church. Our youngest sister would sit next to mother followed by the second youngest. I was always in the middle. My brother was the eldest and then we six girls.

My brother and two sisters before me and after me the three younger sisters. Dad was the preacher, he was in the pulpit. It was only Mom who could partake in the small pieces of bread and the tiny little cup which was handed out by the deacons. They were part of the leadership of the Church.

My Dad explained it very clearly to us, children. Only after we really understood everything could we also take part in this ceremony.

This was only a reminder of that terrible day when Jesus died on the cross. The Thursday evening Jesus prepared His disciples for the events which would follow the next day. That Thursday evening He had the last meal with His disciples before His death. He said to them whenever they would take of the bread and the cup they must remember that His body was broken and His blood was shed for us to forgive us any wrongdoings which we would ask forgiveness for.

Sunday was a joyous day because on the Sunday, two thousand years ago, Jesus stood up from the grave. We would celebrate and say to one another: “Jesus has risen and He lives forever! One day He will come back and take us to heaven to be with Him for ever and ever!”

What is so good about Friday?

What does Easter mean?

What does Easter mean?

I was five years old when we went with my parents to visit the principal at a girls’ hostel. Some of the girls called us outside and said we must look for Easter eggs hidden  in the garden. That was my first encounter with the soft sweet white stuff covered with chocolate, wrapped in colourful paper. My first remembrance of Easter.

Is Easter about eggs and bunnies?

Many years later my husband and I took a camera and microphone and asked people on the street about Easter. Some said: Easter means a public holiday, a long weekend, time off from work, easter eggs and hot cross buns. Others said it has a religious significance: Christ Jesus had been crucified. By then, I had already discovered what Easter means.

I discovered that the meaning of Easter is the victory of Jesus Christ over death. Jesus was crucified on Friday and raised from the dead on the Sunday. But why? Why was Jesus crucified?  See our next blog here on Thursday  22 March 2018.

I gave my life to Jesus when I was seven years old. I didn’t understand everything, but I understood that I now belong to Him. This brought such a comfort and peace and joy that it was much sweeter and softer than that first sweet Easter egg. Yes, I had struggles and hardships, but in the coming weeks and months I will tell you about that.

Let us know what Easter means to you in the comments below.

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